Packaging Solutions: Crafting Success Through Customized Designs


In the fast-paced world of business, where time is synonymous with money, the importance of efficient and effective Packaging Solutions cannot be overstated. Advanced Protective Packaging emerges as a key player in this domain, offering a comprehensive range of solutions designed to be cost-effective while maximizing material utilization. This article explores the intricacies of packaging solutions, emphasizing the benefits of customization, streamlined ordering processes, and the unique approach taken by Advanced Protective Packaging.

Designing Success: Tailored Packaging Solutions

In-House Design Service

Time efficiency is at the core of Advanced Protective Packaging’s services. The in-house design service promises a range of solutions that not only save costs but also optimize material usage. Once a design is approved, the company swiftly transforms concepts into reality, drawing from its vast stock of materials. The entire process is tailored to suit the client’s timeline, simplifying the design and supply chain to ensure a stress-free experience.

Direct Manufacturer Interaction

Dealing directly with the manufacturer is a distinct advantage. It allows for quicker responses to product changes and needs, reducing the time required to turn ideas into workable solutions. This direct interaction minimizes the risk of misunderstandings and time lost in project completion. Leveraging their experience and expertise, Advanced Protective Packaging often provides the best solutions directly, offering a more cost-effective and efficient outcome.

Streamlined Ordering: A Simple Process

One Order, One Delivery, One Invoice

Ordering with Advanced Protective Packaging is a straightforward process that significantly reduces time and stress. By raising one order, receiving one delivery (via their vehicles or approved network carriers), and getting one invoice, clients experience a seamless and efficient operation. Dealing directly with the manufacturer enables flexibility in scheduling deliveries, holding stock for call-off, and adjusting delivery dates and quantities to suit specific needs.

Custom Design Solutions: Unleashing Brand Identity

The Power of Custom Packaging

Custom-designed solutions stand out as a boon for businesses seeking unique packaging that aligns with their brand identity. Unlike generic options, custom packaging allows businesses to reflect their brand’s personality and values through specific materials and imagery. This uniqueness not only establishes a strong brand presence but also sets businesses apart from competitors.

Enhancing Consumer Experience

Beyond visual appeal, custom packaging enhances the consumer’s experience with the product. A well-designed package creates anticipation and excitement upon first encounter. It serves as a valuable tool to convey information about the product, including features, benefits, and usage instructions. By combining aesthetics with functionality, custom packaging contributes to a positive brand image and increases the perceived value of the product.

Diverse Material Offerings

Advanced Protective Packaging boasts a comprehensive range of materials to meet varied packaging needs. From corrugated products and resilient foams like Nomafoam to Polyurethane and Polyethylene Foam packaging, the company ensures a diverse selection to cater to different product specifications.

Evolution of a Family Business

A Legacy of Excellence

Established in 1986, Advanced Protective Packaging is not just a business; it’s a family legacy. Founded by Brian Garsden and now led by son-in-law Mark Hollingsworth, the company’s day-to-day operations are supported by a dedicated and experienced team, including Brian’s nephew with over two decades of service.

Expansion and Adaptation

Originally specializing in polystyrene packaging, the company responded to customer needs, expanding its expertise to include various materials such as foams and cartons. The acquisition of PK Sanders in 1999 further bolstered their capabilities, allowing them to offer a complete protective packaging solution.

Commitment to Excellence

The continued success of Advanced Protective Packaging is rooted in its commitment to providing the best solutions for customer protective packaging needs. The company’s willingness to exceed customer expectations and evolve uniquely with specific requirements has been instrumental in its growth.


In the world of business, where every moment counts, having the right Packaging Solutions can make a significant difference. Advanced Protective Packaging stands as a testament to the fusion of efficiency, customization, and excellence in the realm of protective packaging. The ability to provide tailored solutions, streamline ordering processes, and adapt to evolving customer needs has propelled the company into a position of trust and reliability. As businesses strive for uniqueness and efficiency, Advanced Protective Packaging remains a key partner in crafting success through customized packaging solutions.

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